Adult Social Groups
Colden Common Community Care Trust Care Group
We currently have 44 volunteers who undertake various tasks to help others in need of assistance in our community.
We have cooks for our weekly lunch club, car transport drivers to take clients to appointments at the dentist, doctors, hospital etc and a team of drivers for our mini bus.
We are a registered charity.
Car Transport
Please contact Mo on 02380 692611 or 07518 282958
Lunch Club
For elderly people, who would benefit from a lunch and social time together.
Every Wednesday, at the Community Centre, a team of willing volunteers provide a home cooked two course lunch for £5.00. We can collect you by mini-bus
Call Jane on 01962 714682 or e-mail
Mini Bus
We offer a shopping trips on Wednesdays and Thursday
Call Dave Walton 01962 712986,, or Carole Allen 01962 714288,

An invitation
Have you ever wanted to build a rocking horse for your granddaughter or a racing car for your grandson?
We may have the answer for you.
In Colden Common, there is now a group of mature men with a Shed in which you can talk or tinker to your hearts content. Our diverse band of chaps meets at the Colden Common Shed, situated in the grounds of the Church Rooms, 154 Main Road, Colden Common.
If you are interested in joining us, or feel like being nosy, please pop in for a chat and a cuppa. Alternatively, you could email us at, phone Adrian Kelly on 01962 712589 or view the website
Colden Common Womens Institute
President: Meryl French 01962 808814
Secretary: Pam Glasspool, 01962 711350
We meet on the second Thursday of each month in the Church Rooms, 154 Main Rd, Colden Common. SO21 1TJ.
The meetings open at 7.15pm for a 7.30 pm start.
Our programme is varied to appeal to everyone.
For more information click HERE
Colden Common Friendship Club
Open to ladies and gentleman over 50 years, out meeting take place on alternate Monday afternoons from 2.00pm to 4.00pm at Holy Trinity Church Rooms, Main Road, Colden Common.
A mini bus is available for those without transport. We have a varied programme including coach trips (open to non-members if seats are available), visiting speakers, entertainers and games etc.
New members are very welcome for information contact Pat Phillips
Colden Common Music and Drama Group
The group stages a variety of productions in and around the village, including plays, pantomimes and concerts. The drama side of the group meets irregularly, but the singing group can be found each Thursday at 7.45pm in the Patrick Moore room at the Community Centre. No audition is needed, we sing for pleasure and you will be made very welcome.
Group secretary: Michael Cleary
01962 777313 or
Singing: Stephanie
023 8069 4423
Gardening Group
All the meetings start at 7.30pm in the Community Centre. Visitors and new members welcome.
Secretary: Eileen Pointer 02380 265503 or email
Twinning Association
Janet Quantick - 01962 714198
Colden Common is twinned with St. Vigor-Le-Grand, a small community near Bayeaux. Our aim is to promote and foster friendship and understanding between the two communities. We hope to extend cultural, recreational, educational and commercial activities also. We organise fund raising activities to pursue these aims. We are a very sociable and friendly group. Why not give twinning a try? An ability to speak French is not a necessity - just a liking for food, wine and good company.
Colden Common Breathe Easy support group
Group affiliated to Asthma-Lung UK who meet Wednesdays, 2pm at the Church Rooms, Main Road, Colden Common
Contact Frank Glasspool 711350 email
Colden Common Bridge Club
Colden Common Bridge Club 2019 meets at the community centre every Tuesday afternoon and on-line on Thursday evenings and at weekends. We also offer lessons for beginners and improvers. We are one of the biggest and (we like to think) one of the friendliest Bridge clubs in Hampshire. For more information, please contact Joanna Carter at