Council & Committees
The Full Council meets every other month.
Click HERE for a list of meeting dates. Times and locations of meetings may change, please check the agenda for the time and location of the meeting.
For minutes and the latest agenda for Full Parish Council meetings please click HERE
(Please note some meeting dates may change, please ring the Parish Office to check on 01962 713700)
There are 4 committees which meet. An overview of their responsibilities are detailed below.
For the latest minutes and agendas for the committees please click on the headings below.
Finance Committee
Recreation Committee
To oversee financial controls |
Care and control of open spaces |
To review the upkeep and use of the Councils property & resources |
Maintenance of all sports buildings, pitches, and courts |
Consider costs to the elecorate |
Management of play areas |
Oversee all legal matters |
To monitor financial risk assessments |
Planning Committee
Policy, Procedures and Staffing Committee
Planning Process |
To provide policies and procedures |
Tree Preservation Orders |
To assist in adhering to standards and procedures |
Development Consultations |
To assist the Parish Council in employing and managing staff |
Monitoring of Highways |
Management of Footpaths |